Laser Cutting vs. Punching

The first step of a precision sheet metal part is cutting, which generally is either laser cutting or a punching.
The part itself will generally dictate which process is more ideal and most efficient. Factors include: material thickness, number and size of holes, contours, and any special features or formed areas.


Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is the process whereby a thin beam of extremely hot light (laser) is used to cut shapes, patterns, holes, and profiles, into a piece of material.  The powerful laser melts and evaporates material as the laser head moves along the pre-programmed path in order to create the part.


Laser Cutting Advantages

The advantages of laser cutting include:
– Can create virtually any shape, hole, or pattern.
– Does not need special tooling to create special holes.
– High tolerances are achievable up to 0.005″.
– High level of repeatability.
– High sheet utilization as there are no restrictions for clamps or other material hold downs.


Laser Cutting Disadvantages

The disadvantages of laser cutting include:
– Unable to produce formed features such as louvers, knockouts, lances, bridges, countersink, and taps.



Punching is the process whereby a machine that uses a tool and die creates the holes and profile of the sheet metal part.


CNC Punching Advantages and Benefits

The advantages of punching include:
– Cost effective alternative to laser cutting as most punching machines costs significantly less than laser cutting machines.
– Can process some materials that lasers are unable to process including copper, brass, and plastics.
– Able to create features in sheet metal such as louvers, knockouts, lances, bridges, taps, countersinks, and other special/custom forms.


CNC Punching Disadvantages

The disadvantages of punching include:
– Processing can be slower depending on the part size, number of holes, shape, etc…
– Restricted to the tooling of the fabricator.
– May require special tooling for complex holes or shapes.


Amtex Precision Fabrication

At Amtex, we offer both laser cutting and CNC punching services to ensure your parts are processed in the most economical and efficient manner possible while adhering to tolerance and other requirements.  If you need precision metal fabrication services, contact Amtex online or call our team at (281) 489-7042 today!